Tired of hot summers? Discover the best types of air conditioners to install in pool houses. Click here for more information.

3 Ways To Give Your Home Energy Efficiency With Biomass Heating Systems

23 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to have an energy-efficient way to heat your home this winter, one of the solutions that you will want to consider is biomass energy. Biomass systems will give you several options to heat your home efficiently and reduce your energy bills this winter. Here are some of the different ways that biomass can be used as an energy-efficient heating solution for your home: 1. Biomass Boiler Options for Various Radiant Heating Systems Read More …

How To Clean Your Furnace Filter Compartment

28 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Changing your furnace filter is one of the easiest and most essential HVAC maintenance tasks. Luckily, it is a manageable DIY project. However, many people incorrectly change their filter. They simply pull the old one out and put the new one in place. In most cases this is perfectly fine, but problems can arise. This article explains some important steps for a more comprehensive filter replacement. Why Clean the Filter Compartment Read More …

How To Clean Condenser Coils

4 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to maintaining your HVAC system, cleaning the condenser coils is one of the most important and straightforward jobs. Coils are a vital component that line the condenser unit. The condenser unit is a large appliance located on the outside of your home, right next to the wall. You probably referred to this as the air conditioner. While it is definitely a central part to the AC system, it is mainly responsible for condensing air in heat transfer process. Read More …

How To Improve Your AC Airflow

4 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Homeowners in hot climates are constantly looking for ways to be less reliant on the air conditioner. Electricity bills can skyrocket during the summer months. If you are looking for a way to reduce your bills and run a greener, more eco-friendly household, you might just need to make some simple repairs to your AC system. In fact, a simple cleaning is often all you need. This article explains a few basic cleaning jobs that could improve your AC's airflow. Read More …