
Tired of hot summers? Discover the best types of air conditioners to install in pool houses. Click here for more information.

3 Things You Can Do After Having Your Air Conditioner Fixed To Keep It In Good Shape

23 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Having your air conditioner repaired can quite the process, so it's a good idea to take steps that will help keep your HVAC system in good shape after repairs are made so you're less likely to face another breakdown at some point in the future. Here are a few options that should be considered. Have the System Tuned Up After your air conditioner is repaired, it's a good idea to have your technician tune the whole system up to ensure that every component is working properly and that nothing is putting unnecessary wear and tear on the system overall. Read More …

Your AC Won’t Turn On. Why?

19 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

In the heat of the summer, turning your thermostat to air conditioning mode, only to find that warm air emerges from the vents, can be incredibly frustrating. You might figure that your air conditioner is done — kaput — but in reality, there are many possible explanations as to why an air conditioner won't turn on, and some of them are pretty easy to solve. Loose Wiring One possibility is that one or more of the wires leading to your air conditioner have become loose or are shorting out. Read More …

Why A Sinking Air Conditioning Pad Is A Big Deal

6 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If your air conditioning unit is like many, then it might be located outside and might be placed on a concrete pad. Concrete is a popular choice because it can last for a long time and because it provides a steady, hard and flat surface for your air conditioning unit to sit on top of. However, even concrete pads that are installed properly can begin to sink over time. This is caused by various things, such as the soil underneath and around the concrete eroding away because of rain. Read More …

Parts of Your Furnace That Need to Be Cleaned Regularly

22 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your furnace lasts longer and needs fewer repairs when it's cleaned out regularly. Having the furnace cleaned before the heating season begins is the best option, but it can be done at any time. The furnace has to be shut off during the process, so cleaning and servicing it when the weather isn't too cold is probably a good idea. However, if a dirty furnace is not functioning properly, then it's better to call a technician for service right away rather than wait for warmer weather. Read More …

Air Conditioning System Coolant 101 - Faqs From Curious Homeowners

12 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your home's air conditioning system works really hard to keep you comfortable inside your home, but if you are like a lot of homeowners, you do not know a lot about what makes this process occur. One of the components that make your air conditioner function is the coolant that it relies on. Coolant, which is also sometimes referred to as refrigerant, has the ability to drastically drop temperatures of air as it slips over coils that contain the coolant. Read More …