
Tired of hot summers? Discover the best types of air conditioners to install in pool houses. Click here for more information.

Should You Install A Heater For Your Pool?

6 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Summer days equal instant fun to anyone with a pool. Whether there is a cookout, a fun party for kids, or even just for exercise, pools are a wonderful oasis for any homeowner on a hot day. What happens after Labor Day, though? Without a pool heater, many simply cover the pool until spring comes. However, now that solar energy is more readily available, there are now 3 different types of heaters (gas, electric, and solar). Read More …

4 Easy Ways To Lower Your Home’s Humidity Level

3 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

High humidity levels in your home can make you physically uncomfortable and potentially affect your health. Moist, humid air is ideal for mold growth, which can irritate your respiratory system and trigger asthma attacks, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. High humidity can also increase the amount of indoor air pollutants and allergens in your home, such as dust mites, bacteria and toxic particles from cleaning products and other household items. Read More …

So, Your A/C Is Blowing Hot Air – Now What?

3 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

The last thing that you want is your air conditioner blowing hot air throughout the home when it is blistering hot outside. However, that's exactly what is happening. Never fret because this is generally not a sign of a major malfunction of your HVAC unit. In fact, you can likely fix the problem without ever having a professional step foot in your home. Here are a few things to try before giving an HVAC technician (such as one from http://www. Read More …

My Air Conditioner Is Blowing Hot Air

30 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If your air conditioner is blowing air but the air isn't cooling, this can be something as frustrating as a malfunction in your outdoor unit or as simple as a tripped circuit breaker. Repairing or replacing your air conditioner can be expensive, so before you call someone out to investigate, see if you can't find the source of the problem yourself. Reset The Circuit As a safety feature, a circuit will often break when there is more power running through the circuit than it is designed to handle. Read More …